You may have noticed quite a lack in the weekly posts from me here. Sorry about that. School is currently keeping me very occupied. I hope to be able to find a routine that works for me, soon, where I can start taking pictures again.

Hare Krishna Lotus Temple at Sunset

Rainbows and Courtyards

Lily Anthers

Frisco, UT

We didn't find the cemetery (this time around; I am so going back!), otherwise my PAW would probably be some awesome headstone or something. Anyway, if you want to see more pictures from Frisco, go here.

Alpine Loop Buggafly

Sunset Silhouette

Lisa Falls

Not the best picture of the week, but it's what I've chosen to go with.

Fluff Flower



Joseph Smith Memorial Building Flowers

Warm Fuzzies


St. George Temple

Lorenzo Snow

storm couds and rooftops

In Bloom

Taken this past week while I was in Florida.

Ballerina Tulip

Posting early because I'm headed out of town tomorrow and won't be back this weekend to post when I normally do.

Tabernacle Chairs

Shells and Leaves

Crystal Eeyore

Fire and Glass

Look! Not flowers!

Spring Tears

Noticing a trend here yet?

Spring Blossoms

Sunshine and Daisies

Pretty in Pink

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